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Inlays & Onlays in Plano, TX

Depending on the level of damage to the tooth’s biting surface, our dentists may opt to use an inlay or onlay.

woman sitting in dental chair listening to dentist

Dental Inlays and Onlays Explained

Inlays and onlays are often comprised of composite resin, porcelain, or gold. A bond is established to the damaged portion of your tooth. An inlay, which is like a standard filling, is placed inside the cusp tips of a tooth. Although an inlay and onlay are similar, an onlay extends to multiple cusps of the tooth and requires more reconstruction.

Gold was the original material of choice by most patients and dentists. Over time, porcelain has become a more prevalent choice due to its increased strength, quality of coloring, and ability to more closely match the color of your natural teeth.

How We Apply Onlays

Inlay and Onlay restorations require separate appointments for preparation and completion. At your first appointment, the tooth will be prepared by removing any decay or defective restorations such as an old filling. During this time, your tooth will have a temporary restoration placed for your comfort and protection. The new restoration will be fabricated by a dental technician and delivered to you at your second appointment.

At your second appointment, Dr. Davis or Dr. Sojourner-Critz will begin with the removal of the sealant then fit the inlay or onlay for proper seating and alignment. When a proper fit is achieved, the dentist will begin with bonding the tooth and the inlay or onlay with a strong resin and, finally, polish the tooth to a smooth finish.

Are Inlays and Onlays Right for Me?

While being a common treatment, traditional fillings may reduce integrity and strength of your natural tooth up to 50 percent, according to the American Dental Association. Dr. Davis and Dr. Sojourner-Critz use inlays and onlays as successful alternatives to most traditional fillings. The bond to the tooth, coupled with the high-strength resin, increases the strength of the tooth by up to 75 percent. As a result, they can last from 10 to 30 years. For most patients, whose oral care does not require a full dental crown, we believe an inlay or onlay to be a highly effective form of treatment that increases overall oral health. In some cases, where the damage to the tooth is not extensive enough to merit an entire dental crown, onlays can provide a very good alternative.

For more information about our practice or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Davis, Dr. Critz or Dr. Canales, call our office today. We look forward to meeting you!

Plano: 469-530-4168 Schedule Now

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