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Your Oral Hygiene Is Important!

At Legacy West Dental, Oral Hygiene is considered highly necessary because it can help remove bacteria from your mouth. Bacteria, when left untreated, can form plaque and, ultimately, increase the risk of gingivitis, which is a form of gum disease and periodontal disease. We believe that good, routine self-care and regular check-ups can help your oral health be long-lasting, preventing many ailments such as gum inflammation, infections, tooth decay, and, in some cases, tooth loss.

Legacy West Dental exam room from the doctors perspective

First Step: Dental Exam

Dental exams give us the opportunity to review your current oral health and examine how you approach dental care. We will offer suggested options for your ongoing care to help prevent cavities and gum disease. Dental exams also help our dentists discover problems early, thus allowing treatment to occur in a more timely manner.

Dental Exam Frequency

At Legacy West Dental, we typically have patients return for a routine dental exam every six months. For your optimal care, our dentists or staff might recommend more frequent exams. The factors taken into consideration would be smoking, general health, how frequently you present with cavities, and current diagnosis of tooth or root decay and gum disease. Your input on the frequency of all dental care will be considered.

What to Expect in Our Dental Exam

Your dental exam will be a comfortable and thorough experience at Legacy West Dental. We will conduct a leading-edge dental cleaning. In the cleaning, we will remove any tartar, often called calculus. We will remove any stains that have accumulated over time and clean all areas and surfaces in the mouth. We will conduct an x-ray, which will allow for a more comprehensive look at your oral health and help our staff recognize and identify any current or potential problem areas. We will ask for your input, as well, throughout our diagnostic process. We might ask about how you brush your teeth, how often, and for how long. Or, we might ask if you regularly floss your teeth. We could ask if you are currently using a fluoride-enriched toothpaste. Our staff will also take the time to demonstrate proper dental care and offer tips toward better dental care for you.

Preparing for Our Dental Exam

We always say at Legacy West Dental that the best way to plan for good dental health is to “PLAN GOOD DENTAL HEALTH.” That means you must take an active role in your oral health by brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing at least once daily when possible. To best prepare for the exam, it is a good idea to clean your teeth well prior to coming to your visit. This will clearly expose all problematic areas in your mouth for our staff. Also remember to bring all relevant documentation and medical history our staff might need. Remember, we are here to serve you, and we will always hold your privacy and comfort to the highest level. It is our greatest desire for you to feel at home for all your dental needs at Legacy West Dental.

Pediatric Dental Exam

At Legacy West Dental, we provide high-quality dental care for the whole family, including children of all ages. We believe that establishing good oral health habits early on is key to promoting lifelong dental health, which is why we place a strong emphasis on pediatric dental care.

When children develop a positive relationship with their dentist from an early age, it can help alleviate anxiety and ensure that they feel comfortable and relaxed during dental appointments. Our dental team is experienced in treating a wide range of pediatric dental conditions, from routine cleanings and exams to more complex procedures such as orthodontic care. We understand that pediatric dental care requires a special touch, which is why we take the time to get to know our young patients and make them feel at ease.

We emphasize the importance of regular dental exams, cleanings, and at-home oral hygiene practices. We also provide education and resources to parents to help them promote good oral health habits at home. We are committed to offering leading-edge dental care for children to help them maintain healthy, beautiful smiles. Our approach and education is the message of happy teeth, healthy bodies.

happy teeth • healthy bodies™

For more information about our practice or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Davis, Dr. Critz or Dr. Canales, call our office today. We look forward to meeting you!

Plano: 469-530-4168 Schedule Now

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